Behind the Stream: This took 6 years

TikTok (an app known for creating and sharing short-form videos) became popular in 2018. Our Video Production Company, founded in 2014 didn’t use it for Marketing until last week. The reason… there are much easier ways of reaching people with videos that tie directly into our business goals that didn’t include this platform. Mainly in email, and our website. But we also want to learn new things and find new markets so I am happy to report that we are now posting 5 times a week on TikTok.

We didn’t explode overnight, and that tracks for us because we haven’t fully understood their algorithm, or how they get their videos in front of our potential audience, and it will take some practice, tweaking and most importantly putting out video content. If you are a TikToker, will you do us a favor and give us a follow? In the meantime, we’ll keep you updated on what we learn on this platform and the ways it helps us grow our business!