04 Oct Mainstream Video Video – Make Time for Video
Listen, I know we are busy. We are ALL busy. And whether you are a CEO with hundreds of employees, or the owner of a start-up small business just dipping your foot into the video marketing pool, it can be hard to make time for video. I DO get it....
16 Aug Mainstream Video Video – LIVE Online Course Launch
When I first started talking to people about video, they fall into one of two categories. They are either doing videos, happy with their team, the results and understand the investment of paying a full-service production team. Or they are like the rest of us who have: Made videos for...
01 Aug Mainstream Video Video – Production Plan
I know that by this point on our journey you have started a plan for creating your video or even have one in the can (video speak for “finished”). Before you get too excited I want to tell you another #hardtruth. One video isn’t going to cut it. I know it's harsh, but...
19 Jul Mainstream Video Video – Choosing Your Video Topic
I can’t stress enough how important it is to understand the journey your buyers are on. Just like you can’t move too fast too quick on a first date, you can’t tell your customers everything about your products and services in one video. While turning on a camera and shooting videos...
04 Jul Mainstream Video Video – How to Use Video as a Sales Team
If you are anything like me, you go back and forth between person A and person B. Person A: “I don’t know what’s so hard about business, people love to buy what I am selling” And Person B: “No one wants to even talk to me let alone buy from me, I should just...
21 Jun Mainstream Video Video – Sales Strategy
You may have heard the old saying “nothing happens in business until you make a sale.” So let me ask you. How are your sales going? It's always the question that comes before “what video should I make?” If you are frustrated or scared that you are not making enough revenue, its...