A good marketing company should have good marketing, and that means video. On this week's Behind the Stream, learn how a marketing company practices what they preach by creating a video to showcase their work. Looking for more? Check out our EPIC blog post, which you can find here, for tons of info on... One of the first things I learned about sales is that people buy with their emotions first, but use logic to justify their decision. Learn how video can give your customers the logical reasons why they should hire you in the final part of #BehindtheStream "Three Videos Every Business Needs... If I sent you a video about football, and John Elway sent you a video about football, which one are you more likely to watch? The reason you very likley said John Elway's has to do with his credibility on the subject. Check out this week's #BehindtheStream to see how... That saying “no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care” is very true when it comes to video marketing.  So what's the first video every business needs?  Watch this week's Behind the Stream for the first of three videos, based on ancient techniques of persuasion. Looking for... Creating a documentary usually starts with having something very compelling to say. In this case, one of our clients who had a business with a clear mission turned those into online marketing videos. And those have now become a documentary meant to educate and inspire. Watch this week's Behind the...